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Would You Take Today and Pray for Ecuador?

In the midst of the U.S.'s chaos (and we have no room to judge because we have a lot of problems) it's easy to forget- or more accurately, ignore- that real problems are happening beyond our Country's borders. But guess what? The rest of the world is facing their version of unrest too.

Yesterday, Ecuador was declared by their President to be in a State of Emergency. There are national fuel and transportation strikes happening throughout the country. Cuts to fuel subsidies and some major reforms to old tax programs earlier this week left oil and gas prices skyrocketing nearly overnight. Sucua (the small town in the interior of the country, to which I'll be moving upon leaving Costa Rica) is currently safe, but most roads in and around all the major cities are blocked off- some are physically barricaded and others are shut due to protests which have turned dangerous in areas. One news source I read called this the most politically unstable situation Ecuador has had in more than a decade.

This is real. This is major. This quick post is not about dissecting the ins-n-outs of a countryman's right to protest or your stance on unions or taxes. This is about the fact that I believe in a God who is bigger than unrest. He is bigger than turmoil. And He is in control of it all. The reality is that from where you're sitting and reading this post, you can't change the situation on the ground- but God can. Would you take some time today to pray with me for a country I've come to love?


"This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us."

1 John 5:14[NIV]


If you need some inspiration, here are just a few of the many ways you can join our team in praying for Ecuador:

  1. SAFETY - Pray for each person and family affected by the protests. Reports are circulating of both law enforcement and individuals protesting that have been injured. Pray for safety on the streets as protests happen, for families who no longer have the ability to enter or exit their cities due to blockades, for missionaries in the country, etc. Will you pray for Ecuador's Safety today?

  2. THE WORKERS - Including all sectors affected: government officials who need wisdom and discernment, transit workers who are protesting and who's livelihoods are at stake, for law enforcement that has been called in to the situation, and for our team of missionaries living throughout all of Ecuador. Will you pray for the Workers today?

  3. ECUADOR'S INDIGENOUS COMMUNITIES - Indigenous communities across the globe have a history of being slighted or ignored by governments during seasons of unrest. This included the community and staff I will be working alongside in Sucua. Will you pray for Ecuador's numerous Indigenous Communities today?

  4. STABILITY - If nothing else, would you pray for stability in Ecuador? The country has had many long seasons of political instability throughout their history. Without wisdom and discernment on the part of Ecuador's administration in handling the current situation the country could face another one. Will you pray for Stability today?

Until Next Time,




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Daniel & Rachel Cruceta --- Holistic Hope Journey

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